A new white paper from the Hospital Building Safety Board – Energy Conservation and Management Committee examines how healthcare microgrids can help California hospitals address the challenges of climate change and improve energy efficiency. of renewable energy resources.

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As California hospitals face ongoing challenges stemming from public safety power shutoff (PSPS) programs, now is the time to invest in a solution that will provide full business continuity, not only backup power, according to a new white paper from the Hospital Building Safety Board. . The authors say healthcare microgrids could play a key role in delivering a “more reliable and sustainable power distribution system for California hospitals.”
The white paper is divided into three sections, each addressing a different aspect of microgrid implementation: technology and supply chain, codes and regulations, and institutional and financial concerns.
The technology and supply chain section begins by outlining what a microgrid is and what it is not. The authors note that a microgrid is local and independent, and it goes beyond solar panels on the roof. They say, “A microgrid will continue to flow electricity if the central grid fails; A solar panel alone will not. Many operators of buildings with solar panels are not aware of this fact and surprised that they lost power during the grid outage.
This section of the paper also includes a discussion of microgrid control systems, switchgear, and microgrid operations and maintenance. The authors also explain the role of solar in a microgrid, what energy storage systems and fuel cells bring to the table, and how cogeneration or combined heat and power can be integrated into one you microgrid.
Microgrid financing is not always lower than avoided utility costs. If the stability requirements are moderate, the microgrid will be moderate. It is important to balance durability against cost. — Hospital Building Safety Board – Energy Conservation and Management Committee, “Microgrids for Healthcare Facilities”
The second section of the paper focuses on codes and regulations and how to ensure your healthcare microgrid is compliant. The paper states that “based on current codes, an engineered solution is needed to implement microgrids for healthcare facilities in California to supplement normal utility power service on site.” The authors include a detailed review of California codes related to healthcare microgrid implementation.
The final section of the paper examines institutional and financial considerations, including the role of PSPS events, corporate sustainability goals and trends, and financing options for healthcare microgrids.
Download the report which is free from the Microgrid Knowledge white paper library.