A lot of solar power helping to boost the expansion of renewable energy in the US comes from large solar farms made of rows and rows of solar panels designed to capture the most sunlight possible. Some of this comes from people installing solar technology, often on their roofs, to generate their own energy and save money. About 1 gigawatts of residential solar power is installed every three months (or, 2.5 million solar panels).

You might be thinking about solar power, so find out Your roof is very shaded, facing away from the sun or not suitable for solar tech for some other reason. Ground-mounted solar panels offer an option that doesn’t rely on your roof and can produce more energy, while allowing you to take advantage of federal tax credit, local tax incentives and long-term storage of solar power. Here’s what to know.

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Ground-mounted vs. rooftop solar panels

The main difference between ground-mounted and rooftop solar panels is in the name. While the more familiar rooftop panels go on a rooftop, ground-mounted panels are placed on the ground.

There’s more to it than that, and ground-mounted panels have some advantages over rooftop panels, but fall short elsewhere.

Pros of ground-mounted panels

The real advantage of ground-mounted panels is that they don’t have to go on your roof. If your house is in a nice shady spot but has a nice sunny backyard, you can put it there.

Roof panels are also captivated by your roof design, because Solar panels work best on a specific slope and direction. While the best angle depends on your latitude, the best direction is primarily towards the equator. Since most roofs are not designed with solar panels in mind, they are probably not exactly positioned to maximize solar energy production. A ground-mounted system would be a good position.

read more: Ground-Mounted Smartflower Solar Review: Nice, Not Worth It

Another advantage of leaving your roof out of the equation is eliminating the risk of damaging it. While solar installers offer warranties against leaking roofs, this does not always extend the life span of your solar panels. While this is a manageable issue and solar panels generally require little maintenance, keeping the panels on your roof can eliminate the issue entirely.

If your panels need maintenance, reaching them on the ground is much easier than going up on the roof. In areas with a lot of snow, they are also easier to wash.

Lack of ground-mounted panels

The biggest disadvantage of ground-mounted panels is cost. Instead of using a structure that’s already been built – your roof – installers have to build a new one. They also need to run more cables from the panels in your house than from the roof panels. Both add to the cost.

Panels placed on the ground can also be damaged more easily. While a lawn mower might not throw a rock at the roof, ground-mounted panels can be in the line of fire depending on how close you are to the ground. Being close to the ground will bring your panels closer to animals or children or other potentially harmful agents. There is no definitive data on maintenance costs for ground-mounted panels, however.

While roof panels don’t take up any space that would otherwise be regularly used, ground-mounted panels, depending on lot size and layout, can eat up a lot of usable real estate, such as a backyard. or flowerbeds.

The result of ground-mounted solar panels

Ground-mounted solar panels represent a small enough part of residential installations that they are rarely mentioned in reports of the residential industry. Cost and space are the main factors holding them back. However, in some cases it may be the best option available and still save you money.

ago make any purchase of solar panelsthat’s best identify the best fit for your specific needs. Get multiple quotes and make sure you understand your contract and warranties before proceeding. Solar panels can save you a lot of money in the long run, but you’ll save even more if you find the right fit.