Tindo Solar has launched the largest residential rooftop solar panel. Australia’s only solar manufacturing company will build the company’s first order at a new 150-MW factory at Mawson Lakes in Adelaide.

This large panel is a 410W Cart panel following the 405W panel. Tindo manufactures the 410 W Karra panel from 108 half-cut monocrystalline cells based on M10 wafers with a size of 182mm. It runs at a maximum system voltage of 1,500 V and a temperature coefficient of -0.34% per degree Celsius.

The new panel built with full tempered glass, with dimensions of 1,731mm x 1,149mm x 40mm, and weighs 21.5kg. It is wrapped in a black anodized aluminum alloy frame. Tindo publicly guarantees a 25-year product and performance guarantee and an end-of-life recycling guarantee. It should produce not less than 80% of the nominal output power per year.

It has been tested and proven to produce power at about 23.1% cell efficiency and 21% module efficiency, recording only 0.07% CTM loss. The average energy industry reads between 17 and 19% module efficiency and an average CTM loss of 2-3%.

The Tindo Solar 410w Karra panel has been certified for sale and registered for rebate under the Small-scale Technology Certificate(STC) scheme. A corporate customer, who will install 200kW systems in its property, will be the first to use this panel at a reduced installation cost.

As the Australian market experiences an increase in willingness to invest and own their power systems, Tindo decided to design a panel for the market.

Tindo Chief Executive Officer, Shayne Jaenischsaid, ‘Five years ago, Australians wanted solar power on their roofs, and rebates and feed-in tariffs were designed to drive installations. Today, the market is more focused on solar PV with batteries, VPP (virtual power plants), and a power supply with the most efficient and reliable output.’

In February, Tindo launched the 545W Karra module which is considered the most durable and highest quality in Australia, tested by Choice magazine, Desert Knowledge Australia, and the Australian National University.

The 545W Tindo Karra panel is designed for industrial and utility-scale applications, either roof-mounted or ground-mounted. It is bigger than the new residential rooftop module.

Speaking about utility-scale panels, Shayne Jaenisch said, ‘Large solar arrays use hundreds-even thousands-of panels, which do not need to be registered with the CEC. The cost is low, and the quality is low, and they have an average lifespan of less than seven years. We are building a utility-scale panel that will last for 25 years and it will be listed on the CEC. We believe our approach is more in line with sustainability policies and the wider goals of renewable energy.’

Tindo Solar not only invests in production but is also involved in recycling solar panels. The company has partnered with Adelaide recycling company, Reclaim PV. They recycle up to 98% of the panels for social and environmental benefits.

‘Australians are serious about recycling and forced labour. We use a global assurance firm to audit our supply chains for issues such as forced labor, and we have a recycling guarantee so decommissioned panels can be recycled for industrial use. also in Reclaim PV.’