EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) – Pam Negron and her husband decided to go solar back in March, trading traditional energy for panels on her roof.

Negron said the plan is to go through Pink Energy, based in North Carolina, to get a loan so they can get a new roof, as well as the panels installed.

Negron said everything was fine until it was time for the solar panel installation.

She said Pink Energy told her an inspector came out to the house, but neither she nor her husband were home. That same night, the new panels went in, and his new roof started leaking.

Without actually firing the panels, he requested that they be removed and his roof repaired.

“I’m not going to pay for something sitting on the side of my house,” Negron said. “I told them. You have to go get your things, I don’t want to.”

Now, the panels and brackets sit on the side of his house, but he says he still faces a bill of more than $100,000 after all scheduled payments are completed.

Negron said that the loan for the roof and the panels came from two separate financial institutions through Pink Energy, but he felt that no one listened to him and his situation.

“They will never come back to you. They just tell you that you have to pay,” Negron said, “or they’re going to ruin your credit, which unfortunately they ruined me and my husband’s credit because we didn’t pay.

For now, Negron said he hopes others who have worked with Pink Energy will come forward and share their stories as well, because it feels like an uphill battle the whole way.

We contacted Pink Energy to learn more about this complaint, and they blamed Generac’s service issues on faulty batteries.

Officials with Pink Energy also gave us the following statement:

“Pink Energy is in the midst of a huge spike in customer service issues due to a faulty product supplied by one of our former suppliers named Generac. The Generac part in question, called SnapRS, is failing at such a high rate that the majority of Pink Energy’s service calls are related to this issue and it is negatively impacting customer service capabilities. We strongly encourage Generac to conduct a national product recall and encourage our customers to contact Generac at 800-396-1281.

We contacted Generac, but no response.

Pink Energy filed a lawsuit against Generac, and they shared with us Generac’s statement from July:

Generac letter to customer
Generac letter to customer(General)

Currently, Pink Energy has several lawsuits filed against them in several states.

Negron said a clause in their contract said they could not sue Pink Energy, so she and her husband were not part of the lawsuits.

He also said there are several different groups on social media where others who feel they have been wronged by Pink Energy are speaking out about what their next steps are.